Little League World SeriesSurrey Baseball for Kids: What are the options?

With the past few years behind us, it’s time to get kids back into sports. Baseball is one of the best team sports for kids to learn discipline, make friends and have fun. It can be a little confusing deciding on which league to register your child in.

The options in Surrey for kids baseball are either BC Minors or Little League. The organizations in BC Minors are Surrey Canadians, Cloverdale Baseball and Newton Minors. Whalley Little League is the only sanctioned Little League option in Surrey. They are all good options for kids to play baseball and are all run by great people who volunteer their time to give the kids a great experience. However, as this is the Whalley Little League site, I will be discussing the benefits of Whalley.

After a few seasons in BC Minors, I decided to switch my son over to Little League and couldn’t be happier with the decision. The main reasons for our family preferring Whalley Little League have to do with the facilities, the culture and the gameplay.

The Baseball Park

When we were thinking about Whalley Little League, I have to admit we were a little hesitant at first, that part of  Whalley doesn’t come to mind as a place you want your children to play. We decided as a family to drive to Whalley Athletic Park (where the Whalley games take place) to take a look. I had driven through that area but never really paid much attention to the park, so on the day of the drive I didn't have high expectations. When we got there it was completely different from what we expected. I saw the park and was amazed; I took a quick look at my son in the back seat who had fell silent with a mesmerized look in his eyes. When he finally came out of his trance his first words were “Dad I want to play here.”

Whalley Athletic Park has the best baseball facilities definitely in Surrey and probably in all of the province. With seven well groomed diamonds, complete with full backstops and enclosed dugouts, two indoor training facilities, two club houses, and a senior baseball stadium, all in one location, it’s a baseball Mecca. I encourage anyone on the fence to go take a look at this park; it is a real Surrey gem. From the gorgeous baseball diamonds to the concession, you can tell the Whalley volunteers are very passionate about their baseball park and take pride in the way it is maintained. My son was convinced from just looking at the park that Whalley was the way to go. However, there is more to Whalley Little League that makes it the best choice for kids' baseball in Surrey.

The Culture

The culture at Whalley Little League is also different from BC Minors. The spring season in Whalley Little League is a house league where the teams are all Whalley teams, and they play each other at the park. Even though there is healthy competition, the kids and parents all realize at the end of the day we are all team Whalley. As the season moves along, the kids and parents pretty much get to know all the kids on the other teams by name. This creates a great atmosphere where there is both friendly rivalry and camaraderie between the kids. The parents, knowing all the kids all take ownership of looking out for the kids in the park. Overall, the Whalley spring season format creates a very safe and fun environment. In our one year at Whalley Little League, both my son and us as parents have made friends we will have for years to come. The culture in this league has made this a super great baseball league to play in, but there is one more thing that separates Whalley Little League from the BC Minors organizations.

The Little League World Series

Whalley Little League is the only Surrey Baseball League eligible for the Little League World Series. This event is held annually in the summer at the mecca of kids’ baseball in Williamsport.

baseball team workWhalley last made the big dance in 2018, had a really good chance to get there in 2021 but due to Covid didn’t get an opportunity as the World Series was cancelled. I saw my son glued to the TV watching it this year, I could tell he was sizing himself up to the players on TV. As a parent I enjoy watching how the possibility of playing in the World Series motivates him. Sometimes when he throws the ball against the door in the house, he thinks know one is listening but I get a kick out hearing his imaginary bottom of the last inning in the championship game commentary. My son is 10, I’m not saying he’ll ever make it to the Little League World Series but I really like with Whalley Little League he can dream about it and work towards it.

I would like to make it clear, all the leagues in Surrey are great. Surrey Canadians, Newton Minors and Cloverdale Baseball, all get the kids outdoors, enhance fitness, and promote fun. Our family however has had the best Surrey Baseball experience with Whalley Little League. The baseball park is the best, the culture is great and there is always the possibility of the Little League World Series. When choosing a league to register your kids in, maybe one of the other league’s parks will be closer, but in my opinion if you want the best Surrey Baseball experience for your kids it can only be Whalley Little League.

Written by a Whalley Little League Baseball Dad