Thank you for being a part of our baseball League! We are a not-for-profit, volunteer run organization that provides an excellent baseball program for kids between the ages of 4-16. We follow the motto that “we are all “the league””. Without our volunteers, the league cannot function. We all need to contribute to keep the high standards Whalley Little League delivers to our players and spectators.
This email will provide you with information regarding your volunteer requirement.
VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP WEBSITE- April sign ups still needed. May dates opening April 20th.
- Each family of all players in ALL divisions of the League is expected to provide a $250 volunteer deposit cheque for each player (maximum of 2*)
- Once the family has had a person age 16 or over complete three hours of volunteer assignment (maintenance, work party, or concession shift) for each player, the cheque will be destroyed
- If the volunteer assignment is not completed by the end of the regular season, the $250 volunteer deposit cheque will be cashed by the League
*There is a maximum of 2 player deposits required per immediate family
Please make your volunteer deposit cheque:
- Payable to Whalley Little League
- Post-dated to June 30, 2025
- Please print the player’s first and last name on the front of the cheque
Volunteer cheques will be collected by your team organizers (Team Manager/Coach or Team Parent)
**Please note this is NOT a uniform deposit, it is for volunteer duties. WLL doesn't collect uniform deposit cheques for the regular season.
- Each player must have a person over age 16 or over complete a three hour volunteer assignment from the list below.
- Families with more than two registered players are only required to complete two volunteer assignments.
- Families are also expected to assist for their teams during games with tasks such as field set-up and take down, scorekeeping, pitch count etc. This is not included in the mandatory volunteer requirement. Board of Directors and Coaches who are also parents of players will also be required to fulfill a volunteer assignment.
These are the volunteer opportunities. Please be sure to sign up on the signup form for:
Please be sure to sign up on the signup form:
- Work Parties: Work parties are essential to keep our fields to the high standard our players deserve. Work parties involve moderately physically demanding maintenance work like rake, shovel, weeding, painting, pressure washing etc. please be sure to wear appropriate shoes and bring your own work or gardening gloves. Get to know your fellow team parents.
- Merchandise Table: On various weekends, we have a merchandise table to sell Whalley gear at the park. We sell our custom-branded shirts, sweaters, bags and other cool products.
- Bat-a-thon: The batathon is our largest fundraiser for the league and we need a lot of hands and feet to make it a success. We need volunteers on the day of the event to help produce a fun, carnival-like atmosphere while teams complete their batathon hitting competition.
- Maintenance Work (Mechanical, Electrical, Carpentry, Welding, Painting): Parents and family who have specialized skills are needed to address regular maintenance around the park. We have diamond grooming tractors that need a maintenance touch, electrical maintenance work on lights and plugs. Complete drywall, electrical, and decorating work in the clubhouse. Whether a hobby, or by trade, we need all the handy people we can get.
This will be on a flexible schedule to suit. Please reach out to president@whalleylittleleague.com if interested.
- Dedicated Skilled Photographers and Videographers: The Whalley Volunteer Committee is seeking out a photographer who can commit to several days at the park and take good photos of our players in action for use in social media and the website. We are also looking for assistance with videoing a how-to video on field maintenance. Both specialized opportunities will count towards volunteer hours, depending on the time committed. Please reach out to president@whalleylittleleague.com if interested.
- Photo Day: We need a couple parents or family members to help ensure that our photo day runs smoothly and efficiently. This involves organizing the teams as they come in and out of the make-shift picture studio.
- Parents with a Truck: From time to time, collecting various surplus items around the park and transporting them to the local transfer station is required. If you have a truck and are up to this it will be on a flexible schedule to suit. Please reach out to vicepresident@whalleylittleleague.com if interested.
- Volunteers must provide a minimum of 24 hours cancellation notice once signed-up for a volunteer activity; failing to provide 24 hour- notice will result in the volunteer deposit being cashed by the League
- If you need to cancel your volunteer assignment, please remove your name from the signup website
- Rain outs are out of our control and our volunteer coordinators will do everything we can to get notice to you fast. Occasionally we get rained out so close to, or during, the game or work party and we are not able to give notice. We realize this can be inconvenient for all volunteers including the scheduled coaches. We rely a lot on the volunteer strength of our league so if your volunteer hours get cancelled due to rain you will be credited for the hours worked and the remaining will be rescheduled.
Thank you for your time and dedication to making Whalley Little League a successful organization.
We are all the league.
Whalley Little League Volunteer Committee.
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About Whalley Little League
Whalley Little League exists to provide the youth of our community with an affordable opportunity to learn excellent baseball skills in a fun, healthy, environment and to develop the three attributes of Little League’s Motto: Character, Courage, and Loyalty; to also understand an individual’s contribution to a team, to value healthy competition, and to respect the game and all its participants. Our goal is that these values and attributes will extend in to the lives of our players beyond baseball.
It is our vision that we will continue to inspire pride in every player, parent, and volunteer for being part of a continuing tradition that has made us the most successful Little League in Canada since 1956.
Contact Info
Whalley Little League
P.O. Box 33512
Central City Mall,
Surrey BC V3T 5R5